The Irish Herald  
Advertising Rates
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About the Irish Herald  

Why Advertise in The Irish Herald?
The Irish Herald's 60,000 readers— are Irish immigrants ranging from new arrivals to veterans of 30 or 40 years; Americans with Irish ancestry— and business persons wishing to target one of the fastest growing ethnic communities in the U.S.A. Whatever your business, The Irish Herald has proven to be the definitive source for information on Irish and Irish-American affairs on the West Coast and provides advertisers with a direct line to this specific market.

Circulation and Distribution TOP
During the first week of each month, The Irish Herald is distributed to all Irish establishments along the West Coast—from Seattle to San Diego, with concentrated distribution in San Francisco and the Bay Area and the Los Angeles and Orange County regions of Southern California. Circulation is around 20,000 making The Irish Herald the most widely read Irish newspaper on the west coast of the United States.

Display Advertising Rates TOP

Price per month for each edition
Ad size 12 months 6 months 3 months 1 month
1/20 $75 $85 $100 $120
1/10 $150 $170 $200 $240
1/6 $225 $250 $285 $340
1/5 $275 $320 $350 $395
1/4 $350 $375 $425 $475
1/3 $475 $520 $550 $600
1/2 $600 $650 $725 $800
B&W; Page $1,050 $1,175 $1,250 $1,400
Color Page $1,400 $1,700 $1,950 $2,295
* Add 50% for color ads less than a full page


Ad Dimensions TOP

1/20 h. = 2 column (3 7/8") x 2 1/2"
1/10 v. = 2 column (3 7/8") x 5"
1/5 v. = 2 column (3 7/8") x 10 3/8"
1/6 = 2 column (3 7/8") x 7 5/8"
1/4 h. = 4 column (8 1/8") x 5"
1/4 v. = 3 column (6") x 7 3/4"
1/3 h. = 5 column (10 1/8") x 5"
1/2 h. = 5 column (10 1/8") x 7 3/4"
1/2 v. = 4 column (8 1/8") x 10"
Full page = 10 1/8" x 16"

Mechanical Requirements TOP
Press optimized PDFs are preferred. QuarkXpress or Adobe Illustrator ads accepted on Macintosh formatted discs.


Payment, Rate Changes & Notice of Cancellations TOP
New accounts must be secured with credit card upon signing of contract. All accounts are payable within 15 days. Prices quoted above are net rates.

Advertising rates are subject to change. Advertisers will receive 30 days notice of any rate changes.

Cancellations are not permitted after the 20th day of the previous month. Cancelled contracts will result in the advertiser being charged retroactively the full amount based on the actual number of insertions that ran.

Advertising Deadlines TOP
Space reservation must be made by the 15th of the month. Camera-ready ads, 5 days before month end. Non camera-ready information must be received by the 20th of the month. If advertiser fails to provide copy to meet the deadline of issue in which space has been ordered, publisher reserves the right to charge for space ordered and publish the latest ad materials on hand.

Liability TOP
Advertisers assume all responsibility for content of advertisements, including liability for claims against the publisher. Publisher's liability for error shall not exceed cost of advertising space. Publisher must be notified in writing of any error within 10 days of distribution date.



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